APX-ENDEX - Fuel Prices
BIOCLUS Clustering R&D on sustainable use of biomass
EU - Bioenergy Noe - High expertise virtual research network
EU - ManagEnergy Internet Broadcasts
European Biomass Associations - AEBIOM
European Biomass Industry Association - EUBIA
European Pellet Centre & PELLETS@LAS
European Pellet Quality Certification-PellCert
IEA Bioenergy - An international collaboration in bioenergy
IEA - International Energy Agency - Agence Internationale de l'Energie
OPET Combined Heat and Power & District Heating
OPET - Organsations for the promotion of energy technologies
OPET RES-e - EU technology network for green electricity technologies
Phydades -Standardization of analysis methods for biomass and ash
QualityWood - Firewood in Europe
Renewable Heating and Cooling Technology Platform - RTH-ETP
The Biomass Pyrolysis Network- PyNe & GasNet
The European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources - EUFORES
VIEWLS - Potential of biofuels for the EU