EUBIONET II gave a clear outlook on the current and future biomass fuel market trends, collected feedback on the CEN 335 biofuel standards from different market actors and analysed techno-economic potential of the biomass fuel volumes until 2010. 30 different solid biofuel supply chains was analysed, and the most suitable methods for small- and large-scale biofuel supply chains for heat and power production was described in fact sheets and guide. The annual assessed figure for the total techno-economical volume of solid biomass fuel resources according the EUBIONET II study for 20 EU countries is 143 Mtoe/a. This means that currently about 50% of the estimated biomass potential is exploited. National implementing directives and other national incentives have a great effect to trade of biomass fuels and also to competing product e.g., forest sector and in future also food production. The project has published 57 reports on biomass trade, legislations and events, 30 fact sheets and one guide of biomass supply chains, 4 flyers, 3 posters, contributed to 20 events and organised 5 study tours and published training material of wood fuel supply chains and published 31 articles or seminar or conference presentations.

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